A 1848
B 766
C 809
D 762
E 470
F 640
G 377
H 752
I 3117
J 83
K 88
L 718
M 509
N 323
O 381
P 754
Q 77
R 454
S 1223
T 1759
U 439
V 197
W 733
Y 220
Z 12

762 Phrases Starting With Letter D

dispirit and discourage
display of prowess
displayed enormous power and splendor
displeasing softness
disposed to cavil [cavil = raise trivial objections]
disposition and power
disposition, taste, and temperament
disproportionate ideas
disputative philosopher
disquieting thrill
disquietude and uneasiness
disreputable aspect
dissatisfaction had settled on his mind like a shadow
dissatisfied, rebellious, unsettled, and satirical
dissension, discord, and rebellion
dissenting opinion
dissimilar laws
dissipated illusion
dissolute and hateful
dissolute audacity
dissolve and disappear
dissolve into nothingness
dissolve like some unsubstantial vision faded
dissolving years
dissonant jargon
distant adherent
distant and diverse
distasteful notion
distempered feeling
distended and distorted