A 1848
B 766
C 809
D 762
E 470
F 640
G 377
H 752
I 3117
J 83
K 88
L 718
M 509
N 323
O 381
P 754
Q 77
R 454
S 1223
T 1759
U 439
V 197
W 733
Y 220
Z 12

640 Phrases Starting With Letter F

fleecy clouds
fleet as an arrow
fleeting intimation
fleeting touches of something alien and intrusive
fleetness of foot
flesh and blood
flexibility of spirit
flexible and spontaneous
flicker of recognition
flickering and ambiguous
flickering conscience
flight of fancy
flighty and impetuous
flighty obstinacy
flimsy organization
flippant and contemptuous
flippant ease
flit, change, and vary
flitted like a sylph on wings
floating blackness
floating in the clouds of reverie
flogging a dead horse
flood of hatred
floozie in the jacuzzi
florid and healthy [florid = ornate; flowery]
florid oratory [florid = ornate; flowery]
flotsam and jetsam
flourish in luxuriance
flourish of manner
flouted as unpractical