A 1848
B 766
C 809
D 762
E 470
F 640
G 377
H 752
I 3117
J 83
K 88
L 718
M 509
N 323
O 381
P 754
Q 77
R 454
S 1223
T 1759
U 439
V 197
W 733
Y 220
Z 12

509 Phrases Starting With Letter M

monstrosities of character
monstrous absurdity
monstrous and insupportable
monstrous in dulness
monstrous, incredible, and inhuman
montezuma's revenge
monty full
monumental structure
mood of tranquillity
mood, temper, humor, and caprice
moods of malicious reaction and vindictive recoil
moody and brooding
moody silence
moonlight witchery
moot point
moral and religious
moral obliquity [obliquity = deviation or aberration]
moral, material, and social
morbid and irritable
morbid and subjective brooding
morbid imagination
morbid obesity
mordant wit
more and more it is felt
more bang for your buck
more fool you
more honoured in the breach than in the observance
more light!
more or less severe and prolonged