A 1848
B 766
C 809
D 762
E 470
F 640
G 377
H 752
I 3117
J 83
K 88
L 718
M 509
N 323
O 381
P 754
Q 77
R 454
S 1223
T 1759
U 439
V 197
W 733
Y 220
Z 12

754 Phrases Starting With Letter P

powerful stimulant
powerful, dazzling, and daring
powerful, efficient, vivid, and forcible
powers that be
practical helpfulness
practical in application
practical, visible, and tangible
praise and commend
pray don't apologize
pray forgive me for intruding on you so unceremoniously
pray go on!
pray, sir, let me say
praying at the porcelain altar
preached with a fierce unction [unction = exaggerated earnestness]
preaching to the choir
precarious path
precautionary measure
precedence and usage
precious, massive, and splendid
precipice of stupefaction
precipitate and arbitrary changes
precipitated into mysterious depths of nothingness
precipitous flight
precise purpose
precise, delicate, discriminating, and fastidious
precise, formal, and cynical
precisely, that is just what i meant
precision and efficiency
precision of phrase
precocious wisdom