752 Phrases Starting With Letter H
his hand supported his chin
his hands were small and prehensible [prehensible = capable of being seized]
his heart asserted itself again, thunderously beating
his heart was full of enterprise
his impatient scorn expired
his indifference fell from him like a garment
his invectives and vituperations bite and flay like steel whips [invective = abusive language] [vituperation =
his last illusions crumbled
his lips loosened in a furtively exultant smile
his lips seemed to be permanently parted in a good-humored smile
his mind echoed with words
his mind leaped gladly to meet new issues and fresh tides of thought
his mind murmurs like a harp among the trees
his mind was dazed and wandering in a mist of memories
his mind was like a lonely wild
his mind was like a summer sky
his mood was one of pure exaltation
his mouth quivered with pleasure
his nerves thrilled like throbbing violins
his passions vented themselves with sneers
his plea was irresistible
his reputation had withered
his retort was like a knife-cut across the sinews
his revenge descends perfect, sudden, like a curse from heaven
his sense of humor is unquenchable
his sensibilities were offended
his shrewd gaze fixed appraisingly upon her