718 Phrases Starting With Letter L
let me call attention to another fact
let me direct your attention now to
let me entreat you to examine
let me give one more instance
let me give one parting word
let me give you an illustration
let me here make one remark
let me hope that i have said enough
let me make myself distinctly understood
let me make use of an illustration
let me not be thought offensive
let me once more urge upon you
let me protest against the manner
let me quite temperately defend
let me rather make the supposition
let me say a practical word
let me say how deeply indebted i feel for your kindness
let me tell you an interesting reminiscence
let me thank you for the opportunity to give this matter my personal attention
let me thank you once more
let me urge you earnestly
let no man congratulate himself
let not poor nelly starve