509 Phrases Starting With Letter M
my confidence in you is absolute
my duty is to endeavor to show
my first duty is to express to you
my friends, do you really believe
my head was like a great bronze bell with one thought for the clapper
my heart is as some famine-murdered land
my heart is like a full sponge and must weep a little
my heart like a bird doth hover
my heart will be as wind fainting in hot grass
my idea of it is quite the reverse
my information is rather scanty
my life floweth away like a river
my life was white as driven snow
my love for thee is like the sovereign moon that rules the sea
my love's like the steadfast sun
my lungs began to crow like chanticleer [chanticleer = rooster]
my meaning is quite the contrary
my mind most perfectly acquiesces
my mind swayed idly like a water-lily in a lake