1,223 Phrases Starting With Letter S
she fell into a dreamy silence
she fell into abstracted reverie
she felt herself carried off her feet by the rush of incoherent impressions
she felt like an unrepentant criminal
she fled like a spirit from the room
she flounders like a huge conger-eel in an ocean of dingy morality
she flushed an agitated pink
she forced a faint quivering smile
she frowned incomprehension
she gave him a surprised look, like a child catching an older person in a foolish statement
she gave off antipathies as a liquid gives off vapor
she had an air of restrained fury
she had an undercurrent of acidity
she had lost her way in a labyrinth of conjecture
she has an extraordinary gift of conversation
she has great eyes like the doe
she heard him like one in a dream
she hugged the thought of her own unknown and unapplauded integrity
she let the soft waves of her deep hair fall like flowers from paradise
she lingered a few leisurely seconds
she looked like a tall golden candle
she looked like the picture of a young rapt saint, lost in heavenly musing
she moved like mirth incarnate
she nourished a dream of ambition
she permitted herself a delicate little smile
she played with a hundred possibilities fitfully and discursively as a musician runs his fingers over a
she played with grave cabinets as a cat plays with a mouse