A 1848
B 766
C 809
D 762
E 470
F 640
G 377
H 752
I 3117
J 83
K 88
L 718
M 509
N 323
O 381
P 754
Q 77
R 454
S 1223
T 1759
U 439
V 197
W 733
Y 220
Z 12

1,759 Phrases Starting With Letter T

the leaves of time drop stealthily
the leaves syllabled her name in cautious whispers
the lesson which we should take most to heart
the level boughs, like bars of iron across the setting sun
the life of riley
the light of london flaring like a dreary dawn
the lights blazed up like day
the lights winked
the lilies were drooping, white, and wan, like the head and skin of a dying man
the little incident seemed to throb with significance
the living daylights
the lofty grace of a prince
the long-delayed hour of retribution
the loud and urgent pageantry of the day
the love that dare not speak its name
the low hills on the horizon wore a haze of living blue
the lowest grade of precarious mendacity [mendacity = untruthfulness]
the machinations of a relentless mountebank [mountebank = flamboyant charlatan]
the machinations of an unscrupulous enemy
the magical lights of the horizon
the main cause of all this
the majestic solemnity of the moment yielded to the persuasive warmth of day
the makeshifts of mediocrity
the malarious air of after-dinner gossip
the margin of profit which we allow ourselves
the marvelous beauty of her womanhood
the maximum of attainable and communicable truth
the mazes of conflicting testimony
the mean and frivolous affections of the idle
the melancholy day weeps in monotonous despair