1,759 Phrases Starting With Letter T
their joy like sunshine deep and broad falls on my heart
their minds rested upon the thought, as chasing butterflies might rest together on a flower
their music frightful as the serpent's hiss
their touch affrights me as a serpent's sting
their troth had been plighted
themes of perennial interest
then again, in corroboration
then fall unheeded like the faded flower
then felt i like some watcher of the skies
then i have your permission?
then it swelled out to rich and glorious harmonies like a full orchestra playing under the sea
then take the other side of the argument
then the lover sighing like furnace
then there is another story
then you merely want to ask my advice?
then you're really not disinclined?
then, too, it must be remembered
theories and speculations
theories sprouted in his mind like mushrooms
theory, assumption, speculation, and conjecture
there are certain old truths
there are endless difficulties
there are hopeful signs of
there are many educated and intelligent people
there are people in every community
there are reasons which make such a course impossible