1,759 Phrases Starting With Letter T
the point i wish a little further to speak of
the point to which i shall call your attention
the poppy burned like a crimson ember
the pot calling the kettle black
the practical inference from all this
the precarious tenure of fame
the precursor of violence
the presage of disaster was in the air
the presence of this brilliant assemblage
the pressure of accumulated misgivings
the preternatural pomposities of the pulpit
the pretty and delicate game of talk
the prevalent opinion, no doubt
the prime of man has waxed like cedars
the primitive instinct of self-preservation
the pristine freshness of spring
the proof is in this fact
the proof of the pudding is in the eating
the proof of this statement is to be found
the property of little minds
the prophecies of visionaries and enthusiasts
the proposition appeals to us as a good one
the proprieties of etiquette
the public press would chatter and make odd ambiguous sounds like a shipload of monkeys in a storm
the pulse of the rebounding sea
the purging sunlight of clear poetry