1,759 Phrases Starting With Letter T
the purple heather rolls like dumb thunder
the purse-proud inflation of the moneyed man
the question drummed in head and heart day and night
the question irresistibly emerged
the question is deeply involved
the question was disconcertingly frank
the question, then, recurs
the radiant serenity of the sky
the radiant stars brooded over the stainless fields, white with freshly fallen snow
the rainbows flashed like fire
the ravening wolves of brute instinct
the reason is not so far to seek
the remark was sternly uncompromising
the remedy i believe to be
the restlessness of offended vanity
the result, i fancy, has been
the retreating splendor of autumn
the rising storm of words
the river ran darkly, mysteriously by
the river sang with its lips to the pebbles
the river shouted as ever its cry of joy over the vitality of life, like a spirited boy before the face of
the roar of the traffic rose to thunder